

Not long after I started this blog, which was going to show a lot of pics of custom SR's somebody else beat me to the punch with a bloody extensive selection of XT/TT/SR pictures. I thought I'd seen a lot of the custom SR's doing the rounds on the net, but I haven't seen most of these!

Yamaha XT SR Photo of the Day
It's well worth checking out - he's doing it much better than I could!
Sadly, it's taken some wind out of my sales so the blog will probably focus more on modifications and buggerising around with my own bike. However with the title of "SR Pornography" it'll seem a little self-idulgent and with complaints from a few people about the name of the blog - being hesitant to type "Pornography" into a work computer it might be due for a chage of title anyway.
Any suggestions?


  1. Hi Marlon, given the context of your query, and opening your blog with 'bugger', might be construed as a some type of Freudian slip LOL!!

  2. Hello Marlon,

    Given you sold your bike, I can only assume you no longer maintain this blog, but just in case……….I love your bike, or now ex-bike. Do you have any details of the purchaser. I am interested in buying it off them.

    Thanks, Kostas
